3 Month Update

Wow, three months have already gone by?

Isabel is obviously growing physically, but she is also growing emotionally.

She is a tummy-time expert and can roll over from her tummy to back. She smiles regularly (especially when we all wake up together in the early AM). She talks or whines when she wants attention. She has recently been singing herself to sleep during her morning nap. We were FINALLY able to transition her into her 0-3 month clothing after being at the newborn size for three months! (Yep. She’s a small one!) And she is becoming more indpendent.

We now lay on the floor together for long stretches and read, play, or just hang out without fussiness or crying, and she is engaged.

One of the biggest physical and emotional leaps she had was taking a bottle. She had no problem during the first or second month. But she went through a several week phase where she just would. not. take. it. And I don’t mean just being difficult. I mean blood-curdling screams.

3month1200Then, as if a light switch came on, she started taking it without much fuss. Any mother knows the significance of this as Isabel is now able to be fed by others. I can feed her before bed if Mrs. FWL needs to be somewhere, and with Mama returning to work soon, our caretakers will be able to feed her without drama (knock on wood).

After much debate, we finally moved Isabel out of a co-sleeper that was next to our bed and into her crib in her own room. No longer do we hear every movement and loud breath, but thanks to an awesome video monitor (and an extra charger) we know she is safe, and we can move about our room without running into things in the dark. Who knew that the first night we did this it would be like nothing changed for Isabel?!?! She slept like a champ and woke up happy. Mama, on the other hand, definitely had a hard time.

Mrs. FWL and I have also grown.

I have begun spending more time with Isabel in the mornings whenever possible to let Mrs. FWL get a few more minutes of sleep (Isabel taking the bottle helps) and I am enjoying this time immensely. It’s almost like my second golden hour.

We experienced our first “traumatizing” (we are aware that in the grand scheme of things the tough night we had was nothing close to the real trauma parents can experience with their children) event as parents and have learned to appreciate the routines we have established and are more aware that anything can change at any moment.

Mrs. FWL also went back to work for a day. And it sucked. She was obviously emotional leaving her baby who has been attached literally and figuratively to her for the past 13 months and as a husband/dad, it was hard seeing her so sad. I really have no concept of what it was like for her, but I was sad for her. In hindsight, I’m glad we did this trial run hoping that it will make her official return to work in two weeks easier.

The “4th trimester” is over, Isabel is officially an infant, and we made it out relatively unscathed. I’m sure the next quarter will be just as amazing, fulfilling, and eye-opening – so stick around for the ride.


2 responses to “3 Month Update”

  1. Reading this brought me memories of when my daughter who turned 3 years old had just turned 3 months.

    I like the fact that you are using this blog to document every experience in an intimate way.

    Looking forward to reading more about Isabel and your experience!

  2. Thank you sir. I hope I can remember back to this time when she is 3, but I suppose I have a record of it now. 🙂

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