kid predicament

Kid Predicament



Back when we were kids, “liking” was kid-speak for “I want them to be my boyfriend/girlfriend” (whatever that means for a kid). Personally, I was always a one-girl kind of dude. Liking multiple people felt like cheating. I mean, how can you like multiple people?

Then, there was the emotional roller coaster of being liked by someone ELSE. What if you already like someone else? Is it mean to not like them back? Oh, the 8-year-old angst!

But, when there was mutual liking, awwwwww shit! We’d think of elaborate fantasies of going to the same middle-school, or maybe college, and staying together for-e-ver! Either that or we’d just eagerly await the next meeting at the swing set or a stomach-fluttering glance from across the lunch room.

I don’t know if I would have (a) been quick enough to record this or (b) been able to stay as composed as this mother. So it’s a good thing I have several years to prepare for such an emotional juncture in Isabel’s life when she must deal with the mental anguish of trying to juggle multiple love interests.


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