Category: Parenthood

  • 5 Month Update

    5 Month Update

    We are all creatures of habit. We establish routines to manage our hectic lives. And sometimes these routines simply mask the chaos so we can get through the day. As parents, we  quickly take these established routines for granted knowing they allow us to feel a little more normal. So when it comes time to…

  • 4 Month Update

    4 Month Update

    Adapting to new situations is a skill that we refine with age (or in the case of Isabel, after 100ish days). Becoming a parent accelerates this refinement pretty drastically. I am in no way suggesting that other life changing events (ie. going to college, changing jobs, starting/ending a relationship, etc.) don’t also accelerate this process,…

  • I scream, you scream, we all scream!

    I scream, you scream, we all scream!

    Watching your child grow is already amazing as it is. But there are other amazing parts of their development that I never really thought about before, like their voice. Everyone talks about a baby’s first words sounds and then their eventual first real word. But nobody talks about what what happens between those two milestones; about…

  • Eat, Sleep, Poop: The First 100 Days

    Eat, Sleep, Poop: The First 100 Days

    Everyone makes a big deal out of “The First 100 Days” of a President’s term. Well, Isabel runs our house, kind of like the President runs the country, so this is equally important. RIGHT?!? A few days after we returned from the hospital, we downloaded an app that allowed us to track Isabel’s essential functions…

  • The Great Regression

    The Great Regression

    Everything was going so well. We weren’t necessarily running a sleep surplus, but our deficit wasn’t too bad. We benefited from relative stability, and could pretty accurately forecast our nights. Our household sleep economy was chugging along at a nice even clip. Aside from the first WTF moment, Isabel’s sleep was consistent and somewhat predictable…

  • My Child May Never Need to Drive!

    My Child May Never Need to Drive!

    I recently read an article that  self-driving cars (SDCs) will hit the mass-market and be fairly affordable around 2030, and Isabel will be able to drive in 2029. This means that the first car she buys for herself, could be self-driving. Mind blown! It’s weird how the future becomes a little more “real” when a child…

  • Embrace Your Partner

    Embrace Your Partner

    Unless you are a single parent, in which case I have the utmost respect for you, there is usually a partnership in raising a child, some might even go further and say a village. But regardless of the “unit” raising said child, sacrifices are made, tears are shed, and triumphs are celebrated. Proctor and Gamble…