I was annoyed. It was past her bedtime, she was “summer stalling”, Mama had already read three books, now she wanted me to read the final book, but first she wanted socks, but not any of the three options I gave her, she wanted to pick, and then she wanted to go show mama. As I stood at her door with my arms crossed waiting for her to return from sock-show-and-tell, I remembered she was only three. I uncrossed my arms, waited patiently for her to do toddler things, and eventually she came stomping back to complete the evening ritual, because toddlers always stomp.
Rewind 30 minutes to us playing in the front yard as she ate her paleta and I got a few moments of calm – before she wanted to play a “funny game.” I asked her what a “funny game” was, and she proceeded to make up a ridiculous version of “tag”. I was reluctant to participate in toddler nonsense because all I wanted to do was lay on the grass, but she was persistent.
Isa, thank you for repeating yourself ad nauseam to play with you, because hearing you laugh as we run around playing “tag” and touching the ground for no apparent reason other than you think it’s an important part of the game, is music to my ears.
You know when they say the second baby is always different? Could not be more true with Gabriel. His calm demeanor made up for his difficult sleep habits (ie. Isabel was way easier). His smile and laugh counter the toddler-tude that is beginning to show in Isabel. And his calm temperament help grounds our crazy life.
I think I still get the “holy crap, these kids are mine forever” feeling from time to time, but rather than being in disbelief that they are my kids, it’s shifted to a feeling of awe that they are growing into actual humans. I look at Isabel and see a spunky, funny, stubborn, caring, and loving toddler. I look at her brother and see a happy baby who’s face lights up like a Christmas tree when he sees his mama.
Thank you both for helping me remember the positives and making making me smile. Thank you for showing me how to appreciate each of you for your unique and special qualities
Life was unpredictable enough with one kid, adding another only exacerbated the uncertainty. The chances that one will be sick is higher, the likelihood that attention will be split is almost 100%, and the thought that something is getting forgotten is nearly constant, but my children have helped me embrace the chaos and loosen all reigns of control. With that said, I have yelled, slammed doors, and lost my temper. I have broken when they needed me to be strong.
Thank you for teaching me that it’s ok to embrace the uncertainty and that parenting failure is really learning for next time – because there is always a next time.
Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad and Pampers for this promotion.
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