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8 Month Update

Why do I always write these updates during the week leading up to her next monthly birthday? I guess this is why.

Anyway, during this month Isabel really started getting stronger. She learned how to fully sit-up from the ground all by her little self, which according to the experts is actually a developmental milestone, while crawling isn’t. Go figure.

She still isn’t crawling (remember, this should have been written over 3 weeks ago) but is still soooooo close. She’s started going forward, and then just plops down and decides to scoot the rest of the way. So lazy!

She’s started eating three meals a day, found a new octave in her vocal range, and has started making new sounds – specifically “ba, ba, ba” – which I can only imagine is her starting to form “words”. Now we can say that she is in fact making “consonant sounds” at the next doctor’s appointment, whoo hoo!

But I think the most important part about his month was that we celebrated our first Mother’s Day. Mrs. FWL and I have been together for over a decade and have had many joyous moments. But watching her as a mother has brought more joy to my life than anything else (except for our wedding and Isabel’s birth) and we are truly lucky to have her by our side. I can say with almost 100% confidence that I would not be able to do this alone and can’t think of a better person to have on this journey with me.

And if you can’t tell by the pictures below, EVERYTHING is finding it’s way into Isabel’s mouth. EVERYTHING.

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