Category: Mama Speaks

  • Mama Speaks #6

    Mama Speaks #6

    This game is so stupid. Mrs. FWL uttered this between breaths one evening when Isabel was crying and we were trying to calm her down for bed. I honestly can’t even describe the game because it isn’t a game, it was more of a sound, but is now one of our “go-to” games. It stopped her…

  • Mama Speaks #5

    Mama Speaks #5

    Baby, baby, don’t ever kiss like that. Babies are naturally curious. I mean, you would be too if everything you saw, smelled, touched, and ate was for the first time. Everything goes into Isabel’s mouth. And I mean everything. She has licked the floor, the couch, the chair, and now just starts sticking her tongue…

  • Mama Speaks #4

    Mama Speaks #4

    Sh*t takes on a whole new meaning now.

  • Mama Speaks #3

    Mama Speaks #3

    Maybe you don’t need a bath tonight, we can just rub your drool all over you. Baths are fun and all, but California is suffering from a terrible drought right now, so we should do our part and conserve water wherever we can. Solution…drool! (Or in our house, “baba”). Ever since Isabel really started talking/screaming she…

  • Mama Speaks #2

    Mama Speaks #2

    It’s like a war zone in there. Isabel is now in her crib, sans swaddle. She is free. And she is crazy. Seriously, it’s crib gymnastics in there. The blanket is in one place, the lovey in another, her body is contorted in all directions, it’s a mess. We even had to install mesh bumpers…

  • Mama Speaks #1

    Mama Speaks #1

    We don’t need a bottle. We have my boobs. Just one of the many perks of having a breastfeeding wife/mama. Well played my love, well played.